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  1. Good lord the majority of you are insufferable.
  2. Ah, you all had a wonderful transfer deadline day I see.
  3. Im not suggesting that the effort hasn’t been put in. Especially what with getting the forum back up and running. For me I guess there was always the discussion but we had the fallback of the trophies won to offset anything else. Without that it’s just the continual bickering. And while I’m not suggesting that it has to be all lovey dovey, there is also the opposite that it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom either. Apologies for making my comment.
  4. This is easily the worst this place has ever been. Really not a nice place to be around at present.
  5. At least we’re signing players I actually know!
  6. Tbf, Redknapp had it spot on. You weren’t in the squad so work harder and earn your spot. Simple as really. As one of the elder members of the squad he should know better really-especially when you have seen the situations of the likes of Trevor and Conor who most would likely say have had an even worse time of it and yet have been dignified in their attitudes. Poor from Raheem here.
  7. Would rather that than predict us finishing 8th.
  8. As always, I go in with the same expectations every season: To win the lot.
  9. Yes! That’s more like it! Less of the Moody Minnies thank you very much!
  10. Haha, I do wonder if people are actually thinking before they post these days.
  11. Cheer up-it’s Tuesday and the sun is shining!
  12. Do you ever get tired of being so angry all the time? Can’t be good for you.
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