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1 hour ago, Blue Moon said:

Swimming off Nevis a couple decades ago, realised a couple were swimming with me - metre or two long - decided to let them swim alone. Prefer my fish barbecued, not me … 

What’s Nevis like? I’ve been to a few of the Caribbean islands but not Nevis or St Kitts and they look great.  

St Lucia has been my favourite, so pretty.

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3 minutes ago, chara said:

Interesting posts by all,,,certainly more interesting than the England game...especially second half,,,,, dislike JG but he certainly looked a lot more productive in the set up instead of the loop game we seem to see from him,,out left,,,runs into trouble or stops while everyone gets set in defence,,and the perfected fk winning performances,   a far better player to me.

Watery creatures,,,, used to take small groups snorkelling off the reef,,,boat out to sandy spit then snorkling...always had a knife strapped to my ankle,,worried vacationer.."Do you wear the knife for protection?,,do we need to worry? "..huh?... once got caught up on a submerged rebar,,used knife to help me untangle..no dramatics but explained it was the same as carrying a pocket knife...pointed out that everyone is afraid of bears in the woods but how many of them had met anyone mauled or attacked by a bear ?(actually I have but)

Poison ivy far more likely to cause a problem. than sharks..same as fire coral and some small avoidable fishy things.... 

Lion and Stone Fish, far more of a hazard these days than the bigger stuff.

Lion Fish being quite the invasive species and unbalancing the natural status quo. So much so, that bounties are being paid to spear fishermen for removals in some places.

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@east lower..... Fishy stuff and Nevis,,,been through St Kitts and Nevis but not spent any time there ..knew a lot of folks from Nevis.... Anguilla, Nevis and St Kitts have a "history" from when HMG lumped the three together and gave them "independance",,much abused by St Kitts and resulted in the Anguilla Revolution to stay with UK,,,anyone with a long memory may remember it,,if anyone interested pm me and I'll give some memories of those involved.

Lion fish etc..yep could always find a stone fish and a puffer fish to show the punters,,look but don't touch,,,once got hit by a wave that brushed me on some fire coral,,not nice! (and moray eel tales I have shared on pm's)

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9 minutes ago, east lower said:

What’s Nevis like? I’ve been to a few of the Caribbean islands but not Nevis or St Kitts and they look great.  

St Lucia has been my favourite, so pretty.

Horrible. You’d loathe it. (Actually lovely - my favourite a few years ago when it was very English - not sure now the US has taken over. Perfect if you like peace and nature).

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Just now, chara said:

@east lower..... Fishy stuff and Nevis,,,been through St Kitts and Nevis but not spent any time there ..knew a lot of folks from Nevis.... Anguilla, Nevis and St Kitts have a "history" from when HMG lumped the three together and gave them "independance",,much abused by St Kitts and resulted in the Anguilla Revolution to stay with UK,,,anyone with a long memory may remember it,,if anyone interested pm me and I'll give some memories of those involved.

Lion fish etc..yep could always find a stone fish and a puffer fish to show the punters,,look but don't touch,,,once got hit by a wave that brushed me on some fire coral,,not nice!

I’d have loved to have lived half the life you’ve clearly done. To have ventured to those places and had the strength of character to work, live and learn says volumes (to me) about your resilience and love of life. 

Fire coral, seen a number of ‘brushes’ with that in the tropics - shorty wetsuits etc. Looks painful.

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1 minute ago, Blue Moon said:

Horrible. You’d loathe it. (Actually lovely - my favourite a few years ago when it was very English - not sure now the US has taken over. Perfect if you like peace and nature).

A cricketer friend,you know who, encountered Princess Di and the two boys as they flew out of Nevis and spent some time in conversation with the family...just an aside and giving Nevis a push...my brief stop over there making an Island connection was greatly assisted by airport personnel who actually made a point of getting hold of me to catch a flight that I nearly missed , Puts the Island on my "good" list,

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4 minutes ago, Blue Moon said:

Horrible. You’d loathe it. (Actually lovely - my favourite a few years ago when it was very English - not sure now the US has taken over. Perfect if you like peace and nature).

Thanks, peace and nature are my mantras.

Must try and get to visit. Maldives next year, got hundreds of thousands of Virgin air miles and a companion voucher burning a hole in my pocket. Virgin fly to the Maldives, so can go in comfort, reward flights to the Caribbean have been rare since Covid, do we go East.

If you’ve not been, I’d recommend them. Sri Lankan and Maldivians are just wonderful people.

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@east lower,,,kind words indeed....remember Mrs C saying something way back about my "travelling"..... all very flattering etc but as I pointed out to her it takes the good solid responsible members of society  to make the system work,,they are the heroes.

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5 minutes ago, chara said:

@east lower,,,kind words indeed....remember Mrs C saying something way back about my "travelling"..... all very flattering etc but as I pointed out to her it takes the good solid responsible members of society  to make the system work,,they are the heroes.

Good solid citizens - no, balls to that let the wanderlust take over!!









If only I wasn’t too old and not a multimillionaire to take advantage 😂



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@east lower,,You know I'm with you there😁...We watched The Maginificent Seven yet again the other night..I mentioned yet again to Mrs C how much I wanted to ride off with Chris and Vin at the end when I first saw the movie,,took me a few years but I did !

Still recall that urge .with a smile  every time I see the final scene.🤠


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20 minutes ago, chara said:

@east lower,,You know I'm with you there😁...We watched The Maginificent Seven yet again the other night..I mentioned yet again to Mrs C how much I wanted to ride off with Chris and Vin at the end when I first saw the movie,,took me a few years but I did !

Still recall that urge .with a smile  every time I see the final scene.🤠


👍 I assume that was the original version - Yul Brynner etc!!!!

Same vintage, watched Kelly’s Hero’s again recently, after Donald Sutherland’s passing.

Don’t make with them negative waves man.

Woof, woof that’s my other dog impression!


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@chrisb... I always feel very humble when I think of all the lads  (and lasses) who do the hard things so the rest of us can do pretty much as we please...you never boast and as ever it's the wry smile in public..seen a lot of that ,,Thank You.

A few moments when the locals certainly wanted to rob me and probably a couple of  frightened over imaginative moments when I did feel somewhat threatened and feared a great deal !

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  • 1 month later...

I watched Cole closely... again that left foot wand,,,,so much quick simple and quietly brilliant stuff,,,missed the chance but much probably unnoticed (by the hacks) work,

It's not often I can concentrate on Cole (or any player during a Chelsea game so enjoyed the luxury.

Good to see three Chelsea players on the field but although they all made the effort the days when the three (or more)_Chelsea players were JT Lamps and Ash shone so much brighter,


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