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Dogs,Cats and other things that go bump in the night!


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3 minutes ago, east lower said:

I'll give it a bash, been thinking about one of those wildlife camera's for a while now and will probably end-up giving it a go. Every creature out there is bringing up young now and they're eating food like it's out of fashion.

I've watched captive Chipmunks and they are super energetic creatures.

That house sounds like @chara 's - Sure it wasn't him? 😉


Hmm..far to "tooth and nail" up here for such BBC interlude touchy feely stuff!...we have two kinds of squirrels, chipmunks and ground squirrels (look like chipmunks),,,,, all my dogs are and have been "steady" on deer ( see earlier pixs)jackrabbits and rabbits but they all consider squirrels to be the most dangerous threat to our well being and are ever vigilant and proactive in preventing our demise at the hands of squirrels , fortunately with very rare actual success although it happens, especially the ground squirrels,

There are two young squirrels residing or at least loafing in the tree next to our covered firewood pile and have been storing pine cone "bits" among the wood all winter as well as the occasional hanging out in the pile which the dogs consider a threat of nuclear proportions...both young tearaways..an Aberts and a Grey squirrel are extremely adept at avoiding the dogs and driving them crazy.

Mentioned before but once had an eagle come through the trees and take a squirrel off the forest floor a few feet away..scared the living crap out of me.

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1 minute ago, chara said:

Hmm..far to "tooth and nail" up here for such BBC interlude touchy feely stuff!...we have two kinds of squirrels, chipmunks and ground squirrels (look like chipmunks),,,,, all my dogs are and have been "steady" on deer ( see earlier pixs)jackrabbits and rabbits but they all consider squirrels to be the most dangerous threat to our well being and are ever vigilant and proactive in preventing our demise at the hands of squirrels , fortunately with very rare actual success although it happens, especially the ground squirrels,

There are two young squirrels residing or at least loafing in the tree next to our covered firewood pile and have been storing pine cone "bits" among the wood all winter as well as the occasional hanging out in the pile which the dogs consider a threat of nuclear proportions...both young tearaways..an Aberts and a Grey squirrel are extremely adept at avoiding the dogs and driving them crazy.

Mentioned before but once had an eagle come through the trees and take a squirrel off the forest floor a few feet away..scared the living crap out of me.

Ground squirrel = Gopher?

My old girl (dog!!) has tried all her life to catch one, and thankfully failed each and every time.

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12 minutes ago, east lower said:

Ground squirrel = Gopher?

My old girl (dog!!) has tried all her life to catch one, and thankfully failed each and every time.

No..different critter ,similar to a chipmunk, also have a marmot around somewhere ..got itself trapped in the loafing horse shed a while back..freed it but dogs were frantic !,,,noisy little bugger,

Some prairie dogs locally but not near us,,,cute but carry plague!

Jasper (Mountain Sundance Jasper) The "Gun Hand" is the one who catches the very occasional slowcoach,,he's fast!

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On Choo Choos Story videos, very occassionally a Squirrel will come up to feed on the patio and table where the Chipmunks eat. What surprised me was the Chipmunks being dominant over the Squirrels even though Chipmunks are quite a bit smaller. Maybe it's because the Squirrels know that feeding  area is  Chipmunk territory and can see how close they are to the two humans?  What also struck me is seeing the offspring of some of the chipmunks now being dominant in the in pecking order over their parents.

Funny watching the chipmunks go inside the pockets of cardigans, costs, dressing gowns  of  Choo Choo to eat the seeds. They also sit on their hands to eat and best of all was seeing Chucky and Wally go inside the house to eat. Sadly, both have passed away through old age over the last year. Wonderful personalitiess they had.




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  • 2 weeks later...

OK...not the best photo but 10-30 last night just before taking dogs out for last walk they all started going nuts ...bear in trash and as I looked for it from the porch,,,you can just see porch railJessi,,again,,at 14....desperately trying to get past me to discuss matters with Yogi. Had to fire into ground to persuade Yogi to look for nuts and berries elsewhere!

At least Mrs C was pleased..waited 11 years up here to see a bear.


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1 hour ago, chara said:

OK...not the best photo but 10-30 last night just before taking dogs out for last walk they all started going nuts ...bear in trash and as I looked for it from the porch,,,you can just see porch railJessi,,again,,at 14....desperately trying to get past me to discuss matters with Yogi. Had to fire into ground to persuade Yogi to look for nuts and berries elsewhere!

At least Mrs C was pleased..waited 11 years up here to see a bear.


Is that a black bear? They're quite timid when challenged, aren't they?

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31 minutes ago, Ham said:

Is that a black bear? They're quite timid when challenged, aren't they?

Yeah..usually!,,,,this wasn't a big one at all but sometimes they get too used to people and not so easily intimidated.

Although "Black Bears" there is a range of coat colours...the monster I saw many years ago was more a cinnamon colour.

Mrs C was impressed with my fortitude but in all honesty, I believe it was ultimately more scared of me and what she considered brave was really only awareness of behavour,,of course I milked it with  "Aw Shucks...twas nothing" nonchalance" 😄.....Then had to clear the mess!

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5 minutes ago, chara said:

Yeah..usually!,,,,this wasn't a big one at all but sometimes they get too used to people and not so easily intimidated.

Although "Black Bears" there is a range of coat colours...the monster I saw many years ago was more a cinnamon colour.

Mrs C was impressed with my fortitude but in all honesty, I believe it was ultimately more scared of me and what she considered brave was really only awareness of behavour,,of course I milked it with  "Aw Shucks...twas nothing" nonchalance" 😄.....Then had to clear the mess!

Should have said it was a grizzly. 

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7 hours ago, Ham said:

Should have said it was a grizzly. 

Trouble with that is Mrs C has been here long enough  to know there are no grizzly bears up here or in Colorado although some real back country experts claim that  ii is possible there are some in the Sangre de Christo area.

Now they are to be avoided.......

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4 hours ago, chara said:

Trouble with that is Mrs C has been here long enough  to know there are no grizzly bears up here or in Colorado although some real back country experts claim that  ii is possible there are some in the Sangre de Christo area.

Now they are to be avoided.......

We were both up the other night because we were worried that a couple of foxes had gotten under the outdoor furniture cover and were doing foxy thangs on our good cushions.  

Different world 🙄

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On 14/06/2024 at 19:24, chara said:

OK...not the best photo but 10-30 last night just before taking dogs out for last walk they all started going nuts ...bear in trash and as I looked for it from the porch,,,you can just see porch railJessi,,again,,at 14....desperately trying to get past me to discuss matters with Yogi. Had to fire into ground to persuade Yogi to look for nuts and berries elsewhere!

At least Mrs C was pleased..waited 11 years up here to see a bear.


Wow! Brilliant. Great to see a wild black bear from your own porch! Do you have to carry a firearm when you're walking the dogs?

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Been here 25 years and still the mountains take my breath away and seeing the variety of wildlife literally on my doorstep is still awesome,

Very, very occasionally carry a firearm last thing at night, usually only if lion activity reported close by.

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OK,musing along here,,,used to work in Sporting Goods and we had a display case of pocket knives etc,,,,punter comes up to the counter,,,:Looking for a knife",,as ever to enable me to make a relevant suggestion I ask what he wants it for,,,,:Well I hike locally where lions are sometimes seen and I want a knife to protect myself" Me..:Hmm lets get you the cheapest knife we can find because it won't help you and won't waste money,,have you seen what I kitten can do if it catches you ?  let alone a mountain lion"",,,sigh ,,,, 

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Posted (edited)

Ok...a year or two ago but this lady was trapped by the Colorado Division of Wildlife just up the road from us at a friend's place,,,took one of his goats and came back for seconds.

image_123650291 (6).JPG

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8 hours ago, chara said:

Ok...a year or two ago but this lady was trapped by the Colorado Division of Wildlife just up the road from us at a friend's place,,,took one of his goats and came back for seconds.

image_123650291 (6).JPG

Splendid creature!

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  • 1 month later...

Just re reading the enjoyable posts here,,,calming after the Citeh first five minutes fiasco !

Just some thoughts for gentle discussion if anyone cares to read this..not an opinion piece..just sharing.

I,,modestly,am quite good with dogs and training but the longer I am around them the more complex and layered their behavour appears and I am very aware of how long the learning process is and I am nowhere near the end of the curve,,,the longer I ponder on it all the further from completion it all becomes!

I have had two Labs, two Springers. four German Wirehaired Pointers (" my"finally found breed) a Jack Russell and four equally appreciated mutts,

Just the difference in the genders among like breeds and across the board provides great fuel for thought;

In my experience the subtle difference in the affection shown from the females is a great comfort at times although the male bonding has always for me been just as sincere but with a difference.

I was once told..or read..that the male protected the property and the female the family...over simple generalisation of course but still valid and does illustrate differences,

My present three GWP's are Jessi at 14..and her two off springs Cash and Jasper..sired by my late great Pedro,,the soul mate dog of my life.

They all share a common very family oriented loyalty and work ethic although those days are past us,,,,then the temperament differences begin....Jessi is loving and affectionate with me and Mrs C,,much to her surprise as Mrs C has never been around dogs before,,,Jessi is not clingy but she is always aware of where I am and will quietly follow me if I leave the house or looks for me if I go out of the room for any length of time.

Jessi only ever cared about being around Pedro and always was/is aloof from other dogs and very protective around us.

Jasper is the quiet one,,,not nervous or withdrawn,,just focused...loves to be out with Jessi who tolerates both of them but subtly tolerates Cash just a tad more.

Cash is the clown or perhaps to be more accurate, the boisterous one, everything is a moment of sheer enjoyment of life,

All three are very good as watch dogs,,not attack dogs,,a stranger driving up to the house has any one of them, if out, retreating to the deck and front door barking to alert us,,not hysterical yapping,,just enough to alert us and give an unknown visitor pause for thought,,in the past I have written of their group reaction to bear intrusions,

Indoors the two pups are crated and are put out whenever they ask..Cash whines,,Jasper barks,,,they stay out as long as they care to but Jasper rarely stays out long on his own and prefers the privacy of his indoor kennel,,,all three "kennel up" without command when they come in although Jessi only is kenneled at night,,,the advantages of being able to kennel all three when we leave the house are a great comfort,

We live on nearly 5 acres unfenced in a retaining sense but they all stay close to the house except when I take them out in the afternoon and they wander around the property but always aware of where I am..should one of them lose sight of me he/she will immediately come looking but once they relocate me veer off and go back to their wandering around ,,not needing to come up to me.

All this behavour is not a trained thing, routine has a bearing but Cash for instance put out for the afternoon stroll will tear round to the back paddock after being let out the front door,,any other time he will just stay out front,

Probably rambled on too much but hope my scribbling is of some interest,,I could easily double or triple my observations but enough of an OGs self indulgance,

To finish,,best dog advice I have been given,,Somerset farmer,,"Dogs and children..all they need to learn is NO."

Tough Top  Ex-Pro Rodeo Bull Rider.."All they need is some love,"

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@Mark Kelly,,, hey Mark,,ref your poodle comment elsewhere,,

I am sort of hiding out here because it's "calm" and a very easy-going series of conversations between like-minded folk. No angst or hand wringing dire prophesies and often bitter feuding!

I know you have a bunch of companions and would be interested,,if you have the time and inclination,,to hear about the group dynamics and individual mindsets plus how possibly you and Mrs K respond to individuals.

I just find it all so fascinating. The good and the "less good"!

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3 hours ago, chara said:

@Mark Kelly,,, hey Mark,,ref your poodle comment elsewhere,,

I am sort of hiding out here because it's "calm" and a very easy-going series of conversations between like-minded folk. No angst or hand wringing dire prophesies and often bitter feuding!

I know you have a bunch of companions and would be interested,,if you have the time and inclination,,to hear about the group dynamics and individual mindsets plus how possibly you and Mrs K respond to individuals.

I just find it all so fascinating. The good and the "less good"!

Hi mate, would love to hear more 

I personally think it's because he's only got one eye and if they suddenly appear in his line of vision he shoots first and asks questions later. 

Here is the miscreant in all his glory 


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7 minutes ago, JaneB said:

What's his name Mark?  He's cute but I wouldn't want to cross him!!

Henry, I absolutely adore him. 

Henry Kelly, you'd think he'd be game for a laugh but he isnt lol. 

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Thanks @Mark Kelly,,, funny I was thinking about it's up to us to read the why etc and act accordingly.

Jessi at 14 is still pretty sprightly although has a tablet for arthritic joints,,seem to work well.

The main issue she has is hearing loss so I have had to adjust how I communicate with her....rarely needed to do a "command voice" as we have been together long enough for her to follow most requests prior to the hearing loss,

In my experience if the dog is your companion he/she really wants to please you and it's our responsibility to make sure the instructions are clear and understandable to the dog, So many problems the maybe unaware person encounters is from not making it clear to the dog what is required.

As I am absolutely sure you know they pick up on facial and body language and probably follow those cues as much as anything,,,what I do with Jessi is make sure we have eye contact and use hand indications as to what I'm asking her,,just the simple come here stuff,

About half hour ago Mrs C had a lady from church and her two sons visit to get some clothes altered for a wedding so kenneled Jessi before they arrived,,she was relaxed on her bed and more or less dozing but caught my eye across the room,,always aware of where I am...I signaled her to come to me and walked her into our bedroom where her overnight kennel is,,she followed me in and "kenneled up" ,,it wasn't until I left the room I realised the whole undramatic action had been without any vocal commands,,,more an illustration of her awareness than any cleverness on my part;

Still related..she seems to almost lip read when I praise her with quite words she can't hear,

As I said ..to me it's all so fascinating.

Have so many thoughts on the subject and as long as it doesn't bore everyone more than happy to share thoughts going forward.😁

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