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My Blood Is Blue

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48 minutes ago, Max Fowler said:

I would keep going for the the 16-17 year old wonder talents like Paez / Estevao and skip the D. D. Fofanas, the John Durans, the Kellymans the Washingtons etc. etc.

You have probably never seen any of them kick a football so you are making judgements based on what exactly, hype on Twitter?

You can't have it both ways Max, you can't agree and disagree with the strategy because the profile of some of the players doesn't suit your agenda.




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17 minutes ago, RDCW said:

I think you're too easy on him Sam. I would have, at the very least, suspended him for the relentless hostility and toxicity of his posts and for the use of an AI post generator.

Honestly, I am not having this comment whatsoever. I will push back on it incredibly strongly. Nothing I have said over the past two days is hostile to people. No comment I have made has been personal, in fact, others, who I also like have come at me personally, and I have not risen to the bait.

I understand that I am not everybody’s cup of tea. I understand that at times in the past, I have also gone too far. And I have apologised for it and learned from it. I try very hard not to make things personal now. And I believe many of the people, I disagree with most strongly (Ham, Celery etc.) realise I come in good faith.

Disagree with me. Ignore me. Frankly if Sam, or the other mods tell me, I am taking it too far then I will take it on the chin and consider how I am posting.

But please - “relentless toxicity and hostility”, suspend me?! Give me a break brother.

A forum is about different voices, different styles, different opinions. Being respectful, yes.

But calling for people to be suspended for speaking passionately about the subject forum was designed for is frankly morally wrong in and of itself. Of course, the mods can do what they want, but frankly I think they have better judgement than you whose answer to not liking me very much would be just to suspend me. 

And frankly mods I think you should call that out, but it’s up to you. I don’t wanna put any pressure on you. Calling for people to be suspended, unless they are in clear violation of the rules is just not the answer.



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5 minutes ago, martin1905 said:

You have probably never seen any of them kick a football so you are making judgements based on what exactly, hype on Twitter?

You can't have it both ways Max, you can't agree and disagree with the strategy because the profile of some of the players doesn't suit your agenda.

I would separate the two profiles of signing Martin. There is clearly a duel strategy of attacking the South American market at an early stage, modelling the likes of Real Madrid with signing Vini Junior. Keeping an eye on the best young talent makes a lot of sense.

Our strategy, with regards to young players in general is much broader brush than that. We are not just trying to find the generational gems in the South American haystack. We are trying to build out multiple club worth of young players who can potentially progress or be sold on for profit.

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29 minutes ago, RDCW said:

I think you're too easy on him Sam. I would have, at the very least, suspended him for the relentless hostility and toxicity of his posts and for the use of an AI post generator.

In fact @My Blood Is Blue scrub that ! The only appropriate sanction is an outright ban on the grounds of the Hancock/ Lineker principle .

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52 minutes ago, My Blood Is Blue said:

, you have no right to be calling people out in the way that you have in the last few days in what have actually, in my opinion, been some quite rude posts. Just like nobody has the right to say your opinion is wrong.

Then it is time for me to take my leave. I hope you will reconsider this post with time, Sam. Because I would love for you to quote me one rude post that I sent to people these last two days - one post where I was calling people out.

I appreciate that there is a stylistic thing here. Some people are more disagreeable. Some people are less so. I accept this is a forum and it’s important to be understanding and respectful of where the group as a whole is.

If you can tell me a rude post or a post where I called somebody out I would love to hear it. Because all I’ve been doing is relentlessly focusing on the arguments. Yes, I have quoted people who have said certain things on a subject and addressed the subject matter itself, but this was only when @Ham specifically asked me to name which poster said something on a specific subject.

Stating my opinions strongly does not mean that I think they are facts, nor does it mean that I’m not respecting of others’ opinions.

Maybe I have said something personal, and I am misremembering - if so, I will apologise as ever and try to learn from it. 

In the meantime, peace out brother ✌️

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Imagine throwing your toys out the pram during a transfer window which has been open less than two weeks, whilst a major international tournament is taking place and absolutely nothing has happened yet.



Here's something for you too, and mauybe sit down for this as it may blow your mind.

Sterling 29

Chilwell 27

Nkunku 26

Robert Sanchez 26

Disasi 26

Cucurella 25

Chalobah 25

James 24

Gallagher 24

Petr 24

Enzo 23

Jackson 23

Mudryk 23

Badiashille 23

Caicedo 22

Palmer 22

Madueke 22

Here's something even more crazy most of them will be a year older by the end of the season and all of them would have had at least two seasons in the Premier league, most a fair few more. Over half of them have experience playing in different countries and and all but Chalobah and Madueke full internationals.

This isn't a squad made up of inexperienced kids.

Far from it.



Edited by martin1905
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16 minutes ago, Max Fowler said:

I would separate the two profiles of signing Martin. There is clearly a duel strategy of attacking the South American market at an early stage, modelling the likes of Real Madrid with signing Vini Junior. Keeping an eye on the best young talent makes a lot of sense.

Our strategy, with regards to young players in general is much broader brush than that. We are not just trying to find the generational gems in the South American haystack. We are trying to build out multiple club worth of young players who can potentially progress or be sold on for profit.

So it's OK, as far as you are concerned, as long as you agree with which continent we buy them from?

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1 hour ago, Max Fowler said:

We have CLEARLY brought Maresca in specifically to help Enzo.

based on what? It is pure fantasy to suggest a manager is appointed with almost the sole reason to get the best out of one player. 

It's not like he is the only player to have cost a lot of money. 

1 hour ago, Max Fowler said:

 This has massively coloured the boards thinking on who the best manager is, 

How do you know what the board is or is not thinking?

1 hour ago, Max Fowler said:

 frankly I am highly doubtful anyway Fernandez will ever make it in the Premier League, whatever system it is we play.

Well, time will tell. I think are most, even those who have been critical, are willing to wait and see what he can do after having had the surgery he so clearly needed.

Max, where I think people struggle with some of your posts is that you state your opinion as a matter of fact, when indeed neither you, nor anyone else on this forum, has a precise idea of exactly what goes on in the boardroom and behind the scenes. 

the first two sentences above which I quoted, are opinions dressed as facts. Nothing wrong at all with having an opinion that may be different, but let's not pretend we know the reasons why what was happened, nor know what will happen in future. 

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7 minutes ago, Max Fowler said:

Then it is time for me to take my leave. I hope you will reconsider this post with time, Sam. Because I would love for you to quote me one rude post that I sent to people these last two days - one post where I was calling people out.

I appreciate that there is a stylistic thing here. Some people are more disagreeable. Some people are less so. I accept this is a forum and it’s important to be understanding and respectful of where the group as a whole is.

If you can tell me a rude post or a post where I called somebody out I would love to hear it. Because all I’ve been doing is relentlessly focusing on the arguments. Yes, I have quoted people who have said certain things on a subject and addressed the subject matter itself. 

Stating my opinions strongly does not mean that I think they are facts, nor does it mean that I’m not respecting of others’ opinions.

Maybe I have said something personal, and I misremembering - if so, I will apologise as ever.

In the meantime, peace out brother ✌️

I'm not going back and quoting your posts Max. If you don't believe that your approach and the way you've been putting your views across over the last few days has been rude, then that is fine, I'm not here to change your mind. My opinion is in some of your posts you have come across rude and at times even quite condescending. I'm not pushing it further though, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

I'm not going into the rest of the points you've made as I've commented on them separately in earlier posts.

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20 hours ago, Chelsea_Matt said:

I totally understand you. But many here including me have been very critical of Todd ‘n Eggy, though I do feel they’ve done what they’ve done from a good place. I don’t think there’s a lack of ambition, and I do think there’s a plan - which I like. I just think it was done far too quickly and that hiring Potter, Lawrence and Winstanley were huge errors. 

I do have a question, for @Mark Kelly @Ham @paulw66 and @east lower. I’m not the brightest so here’s my question. It would seem impossible to make money from football. Given the money laid out by Todd’n’Eggy and their vulture capitalists, how do they think there’ll ever be a financial return? We’re talking billions here. 

I've asked the same question myself and the only answer I can come up with is globalisation of the brand and revenues that come from that, or additional revenues from TV/Streaming/Right's Issues or even a Super League. But, it's hard for me to see how they get a ROI.

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2 hours ago, Max Fowler said:

People on here will point out signing Tosin as the counterexample, but picking him up on a free as someone who doesn’t improve the first 11 doesn’t really count.

Max, a signing doesn't need to be flashy or expensive to improve a team. Tosin could step in and go on to be a Gary Cahill level of player for all we know, or he could be Ben Haim. Until he kicks a ball for us on a regular basis where a proper sample size is established it can genuinely go either way. 

You're treating your own subjective opinion as factual, then getting pissy when others aren't interested in sharing the same stance. 

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2 hours ago, xceleryx said:

You're treating your own subjective opinion as factual, then getting pissy when others aren't interested in sharing the same stance


Pot calling the kettle black 

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1 hour ago, Ham said:

I wonder whether there will be a different approach on 1/7/24.


Don't know

Can foresee either Joy or Meltdown on the matchday forum between 23-7 and 06-8 😀

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3 hours ago, paulw66 said:

based on what? It is pure fantasy to suggest a manager is appointed with almost the sole reason to get the best out of one player. 

If you go on form from the end of last season, Enzo should not be ahead of Connor or Caseido in the pecking order 

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My basic Chelsea/Football /Lifephilosophy often clashes ,sometimes strongly. with views expressed by others.

At times I get from niggled to extremely angry at some posts and posters but having said that the one saving,and uniting, factor, is that regardless of views expressed and perhaps badly and hurtfully phrased in the sense things can get a bit personal and ugly the true Chelsea loyalty shines through every time.

We all, I believe have the ability,often shown, to discipline our own excesses and I would ask you all to just take a moment or two to look at our own  posts and step back from the overstep that often takes vigorous debate into a nasty almost street brawl allbeit verbally.

This is a Great Forum for thinking football people..beyond the hysterical name calling and football tosh often seen elsewhere... there is great humour, insightful views and a great deal of online friendship and camaraderie especially on show when members hit bad times..pretty unique I would think.

Conflicting views should (and do) lead to good debate,,it shouldn't lead to conflict.

Everyone on here has their own "style" of debate and presentation,,,,,please don't ANYONE change...even when I disagree with a viewpoint or opinion the different approach does make me look at things from a different POV.

Free speech is the hill I will die on if necessary,,,and that means every voice. not just the ones I agree with.

As ever Thank You all for letting a real OG slowly wander towards the inevitable substitution in good company and Chelsea Fellowship..a long way from the Terraces and the leaky Shed end but still Chelsea to the core!



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@Palmeiras_Fan... a couple of points..Thank you for your input from a part of the world we get very little hands on word from,,very appreciated and I hope you stay with us and give us the benefit of this new perspective and real grass roots observations not Media self serving rubbish.

Your use of English is outstanding and shows no hint of any other linguistic influence...

My wild child step daughter speaks Spanish the same way but was all village street learnt...is your fluency,,admired..due to a bilingual upbringing?..if too personal of a question please accept my apologies but I am intrigued.

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25 minutes ago, Palmeiras_Fan said:

It's not just about that.

It's about the clubs they play for and the leagues they are in.

Paez plays for a medium-sized club in Ecuador (a second-tier league in South America). Estêvão plays for one of the biggest and most powerful clubs on the continent in the Brazilian league (widely regarded as one of the top leagues in the world).

It would simply be IMPOSSIBLE to get the player out for less than that. The bargaining power between both clubs and both leagues are COMPLETELY different.

And I can guarantee you that there are plenty of Palmeiras fans quite annoyed that Estêvão was sold way too cheaply.

Both sales involve completely different contexts. 

You can't get a top talent out of Brazil nowadays for a cheap price, as no club in the country would accept the offer (Real Madrid payed the same amount for Endrick, by the way).

You should work for Chelsea. You'd have got more for Hudson-Odoi than the 5m our sporting directors were able to get. 

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3 minutes ago, Bison said:

You should work for Chelsea. You'd have got more for Hudson-Odoi than the 5m our sporting directors were able to get. 

He's not a miracle worker , Hudson Odoi was on his uppers , last chance saloon , had to learn to move again after serious injury and had an absolutely deplorable and embarrassing loan in Germany where they literally couldn't get rid quick enough , that we got £5m for him was absolutely incredible . Regardless of whether you like him . 

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